Author Archives: Jim

Who’s Ready for Baseball!

I’m a Pirates fan.

I’ve been a Pirates fan since I was a kid, but it is always tough to find time to watch many games.

Budweiser wants to make that easier.  They set up a petition on the White House’s petition site, that will make Baseball’s opening day a national holiday!  In two days, they have already gotten almost 20,000 signatures!

Check it out if you like baseball!

What I’m Playing-12/16/13

This is the first in what will be a recurring post about what I am playing this week.

This week, I am playing a lot of Assassins Creed III.  I realized that with the release of Black Flag, I never got very far through 3.  I wanted to finish AC3 before starting Black Flag.  I am officially 29% through the game… I guess I’ve got my work cut out for me.

Unfortunately, since Black Flag came out, there is virtually nobody on multiplayer anymore…

If anybody is up for a round, let me know 🙂

New WordPress

Well there is a new version of WordPress available for download.

Version 3.8 includes a restyled, responsive admin interface, as well as the 2014 theme.

Keep watching here for any WordPress news I run across in my travels.

HO Trains

I have recently started getting into HO scale model trains.

Over the past few weeks I have begun picking up engines and cars.  Mostly new, but a few used here and there.

I will have pictures and write ups coming soon about each.